Fits: | TORO H132 (70186 year 2005), XL 380H (71246 years 2005 to 2007 and 71252 years 2008 |
[RZT-S46 KH] (17BRCBDT333 year 2018) zero turn radius (ZTR) ride-on models. | |
(17ARCBDS333 year 2017), RZT S 46 [RZT-S46] (17BRCBDT333 year 2017), RZT S 46 KH | |
2019), RZT 34 [RZT-L34, RZT L 34] (17AQNAEU333 year 2017), RZT S 42 [RZT-S42] | |
17ARCACQ333 year 2015 to 2017), RZT 50 KH [RZT-50 KH] (17ARCACQ333 years 2018 to | |
(17AD2ACP333 year 2012, 17ADCACP333 year 2013, 17ARCACP333 year 2014 and | |
(17ARCACS333 years 2016 to 2017),RZT 42 KH (17ARCACS333 year 2018), RZT 50 [RZT-50] | |
Series Z-Force LZ48 (17AFDAGV333 year 2014 and 17ASDAGV333 year 2014), RZT 42 | |
Series Z-Force 48 (17AF3AGV333 year 2012 to 2013 and 17BF3AGV333 year 2013), Z | |
2015 to 2016), Rover (13A879WT333 year 2015) ride-on lawn mower models and Rover Z | |
Ranger 420/38 [42038] (13A2761F333 year 2011 to 2012 and 2015 and 13A276WF333 years | |
2019), Rancher 547/42 (13AX79WS333 year 2016 and 13A879WS333 years 2016 to 2019), | |
22/46 [2246] (13AP93WT333 year 2014), Rancher 547/38 (13A879WF333 years 2016 to | |
years 2010 to 2012), Rancher 22/42 [2242] (13AP91WS333 years 2012 to 2013), Rancher | |
17/42 [1742] (13AV90KS333 year 2010 to 2012), Rancher 20/42 [2042] (13AP91KS333 | |
(13A276WF333 years 2017 to 2018), Raider 439/38 (13AB76WF333 year 2019), Rancher | |
20/42 [2042] (13AP93WS333 year 2014 and 13BP93WS333 year 2014), Raider 420/38 | |
years 2010 to 2012), Raider 19/46 [1946] (13AO91WT333 years 2012 to 2013), Raider | |
13AV93WS333 year 2014 and 13AV76WS333 year 2016), Raider 18/42 [1842) (13AO77TS333 | |
13AV93WF333 year 2014), Raider 17/42 [1742] (13AN91WS333 years 2012 to 2013, | |
(13AM76TF333, year 2010 to 2014), Raider 1538 (13AM91WF333 years 2012 to 2013 and | |
Rider 382 [382/30] (13A726JD333 years 2017 to 2019), Raider 14/38 [1438] | |
2015 to 2016), Mini Rider 382 [382/30 Hydro] (13A721JD333 years 2017 to 2019), Mini | |
Rider (13A226JD333 year 2012, 13B226JD333 years 2013 to 2015 and 13C226JD333 years | |
(13AHA4KS333 year 2019), Lawn King 547/42 (13A8A1KS333 years 2016 to 2017), Mini | |
(13APA1KS333 years 2015 to 2017 and 13APA1KS326 year 2019), Lawn King 24/42 | |
mower models. | |
Fits: | Rover Lawn King 18/42 (13AGA1KS333 years 2017 to 2019), Lawn King 20/42 [2042] |
G3583070, G4316010, G4620000, MT155380H (2012), MT155420H (2012) ride-on lawn | |
46570x6C (2000), 52100x92A (1999), 521613x89A (2001), 521613x89B (2002), F4619-000, | |
(2003), 465610x99A (2003), 465624x78A (2005), 46569x6B (1999), 46570x6B (1999), | |
465600x8 (2003), 465600x8A (2003), 465601x50A (2002), 465604x50A (2003), 465609x24A | |
46400x50A (1997), 46400x65A (1996), 46403x199 (1996), 46403x199A (1996), 46403x99A, | |
(1996), 46379x192A (1996), 46379x92A (1996), 46380x50A (1997), 46380x50B (1998), | |
461605x99A (2005), 46250x65C (1996), 46255x6A, 46300x20, 46371x20A, 46376x65B | |
(1996), 461001x68A (2002), 46103x50A (1999), 46103x50B (2000), 46104x14A (2000), | |
42910x92A (1996), 42911x65B (1996), 42911x65C (1996), 42912x70B (1996), 42912x70C | |
42591x88A, 42591x88B (1999), 42592x11, 42595x88, 42597x95A (1999), 42910x92 (1996), | |
42588x52B (1999), 42588x70A (1999), 42591x86A (2000), 42591x86C (2000), 42591x88, | |
42581x50D (2001), 42581x58A, 42581x95A (1997), 42588x29A (1998), 42588x52A (1998), | |
42568x59A (1997), 42571x14A (2000), 42576x92A (2000), 42581x50A, 42581x50C (2000), | |
(2004), 425622x78A (2005), 42564x50A (1997), 42564x59A (1997), 42568x50A (1997), | |
425614A (2002), 425615x78A (2004), 425618x48A (2003), 425619x24A (2003), 425620x92A | |
(2001), 42560x52A (2000), 42560x92 (1997), 42560x192 (1997), 42560x192A (1997), | |
42545x29B (1999), 425601x53A, 425602x50A (2002), 425603x99A (2003), 425608x58A | |
(2004), 425017x24A (2005), 425303x92A (2002), 42532x50A (1997), 42545x29A (1998), | |
40907x20C (1996), 40908x70B (1996), 40908x70C (1996), 425015x92A (2004), 425016x78A | |
40900x20D (1996), 40901x70C (1996), 40901x70D (1996), 40903x20A, 40907x20B (1996), | |
40627x92A, 40707x20A, 40708x20C, 40708x20D, 40815x70B (1996), 40900x20C (1996), | |
(1999), 40564x88A, 40564x88B (2000), 40566x95A, 40615x66A (1997), 40627x20B, | |
40564x51A (1998), 40564x51B (1999), 40564x51C (2000), 40564x51D (2001), 40564x86A | |
(2001), 40560x50E (2001), 40561x51A (1998), 40563x86A (1998), 40563x88A (1998), | |
405606x78A (2005), 40560x50A (1998), 40560x50B (1998), 40560x50C (2000), 40560x50D | |
(1997), 40531x59A (1997), 405600x50A (2002), 405601x50A (2003), 405606x50A (2005), | |
40510x50B (2001), 40530x51A (1997), 40530x51B (1999), 40530x51C (2000), 40531x50A | |
(2000), 40507x14A (2000), 40508x52A (2001), 40509x92A (2000), 40510x50A (2000), | |
(2003), 40503x88A (1998), 40503x88B, 40505x95A (1999), 40506x88A (2000), 40506x88B | |
40502x50A (1998), 40502x50B (1999), 40502x50C (2000), 405030x48 (2003), 405030x48A | |
(2002), 405003x52A (2002), 405012x78A (2004), 405017x78B (2005), 405019x50A (2001), | |
(2000), 40383x58C (2001), 405001x78, 405001x78B, 405002x8, 405002x8A, 405003x50A | |
(2001), 40379x88, 40382x58, 40382x58B (2000), 40382x58C (2001), 40383x58, 40383x58B | |
40371x50C, 40373x51A, 40377x11, 40378x11 (2000), 40378x11B (2000), 40379x68A | |
40319x98B, 40320x88 (2000), 40360x67, 40362x58, 40363x50, 40363x59, 40371x50A, | |
40318x50C (2001), 40319x51B (2000), 40319x51C (2001), 40319x88A (2000), 40319x98A, | |
40313x58A, 40316x11A, 40316x11B (2000), 40318x50A (1999), 40318x50B (2000), | |
403016x58A (2001), 403017x58A (2001), 40307x58 (2000), 40307x58A, 40307x58B (2000), | |
38711x97A, 38712x66A (1998), 38714x51A (1998), 38714x51B (1999), 40300x50, | |
(2000), 38711x73A (1998), 38711x73B (1999), 38711x73C (2000), 38711x96A (1998), | |
38711x66A (1998), 38711x66C (2000), 38711x67A (1998), 38711x67B (1998), 38711x67C | |
(2000), 38711x29A (1998), 38711x29B (1999), 38711x44A (2000), 38711x52A (1998), | |
38710x52A (2000), 38710x99A (2000), 38711x20A (1998), 38711x20B (1999), 38711x20C | |
(2003), 387001x00A (2003), 387002x92A (2004), 38702x20D (1996), 38702x20E (1996), | |
(1996), 38602x70H (1996), 38602x70J (1996), 38622x72, 38632x66B (1996), 387001x00 | |
(2000), 38518x58C (2001), 38519x58A, 38519x58B (2000), 38519x58C (2001), 38602x66F | |
(1998), 38516x52B (1999), 38516x53A (2000), 38516x70A (1999), 38518x58A, 38518x58B | |
38510x59A (1997), 38514x95A (1997), 38516x29A (1998), 38516x29B (1999), 38516x52A | |
38502x98C (2000), 38502x98D (2001), 38510x50, 38510x50A (1997), 38510x50B (2001), | |
(1997), 38502x86A (1999), 38502x86B (2000), 38502x98A (1998), 38502x98B (1999), | |
38502x51D (2000), 38502x51E (2001), 38502x52A (2000), 38502x66A (1997), 38502x67A | |
(2001), 385020x51A (2001), 38502x51A (1997), 38502x51B (1998), 38502x51C (1999), | |
38501x50A (1997), 38501x50B (1998), 38501x50C (1999), 38501x50D (2000), 38501x50E | |
385011x50A (2002), 385012x68A (2002), 385015x50 (2003), 385016x78A (2004), | |
(2002), 385008x52A (2002), 385009x98A (2002), 38500x92A (1997), 38500x92A (1997), | |
31722x95A (1999), 31905x95, 385002x78A (2005), 385002x78B (2005), 385008x51A | |
(1997), 31720x51B (1998), 31720x51C (1999), 31721x88A (1998), 31721x88A (1998), | |
31621x70G (1996), 31709, 31720x11B, 31720x11C (1999), 31720x20E (1996), 31720x51A | |
31201x51C (2001), 31201x98A (1999), 31201x98B (2000), 31201x98C (2001), 31520x72A, | |
(1999), 31200x50B (2000), 31200x50C (2001), 31201x51A (1999), 31201x51B (2000), | |
312006x50A (2005), 312006x78B (2006), 31200x11A (1999), 31200x11B (2000), 31200x50A | |
312000x98A (2002), 312001x11A (2002), 312001x50A (2002), 312003x50B (2004), | |
309029x68A (2002), 309029x92NA (2003), 309300x50A (2003), 312000x68A (2002), | |
309015x50A (2001), 309029x11A (2002), 309029x50A (2002), 309029x51A (2002), | |
309005x51A (2001), 309006x00A (2006), 309012x11A (2001), 309012x51A (2001), | |
(1997), 30560x66B (1996), 30560x70D (1996), 30570x72A, 309000x8NA (2003), | |
30560x50C (1999), 30560x51A (1997), 30560x51B (1998), 30560x51C (1999), 30560x59A | |
(1998), 30540x98B (1999), 30560x20E (1996), 30560x50A (1997), 30560x50B (1998), | |
(1996), 30540x67C (1997), 30540x67D (1998), 30540x67E, 30540x67F (1999), 30540x98A | |
(1997), 30540x29B (1998), 30540x29C, 30540x29D (1999), 30540x66F (1997), 30540x67A | |
radius (ZTR) ride-on models. | |
Fits: | Murray 30540x20E (1996), 30540x20F (1997), 30540x20G (1998), 30540x20H, 30540x29A |
17AF2ACP308 year 2011), Yard-Man Z Series RZT-42 (17AC2ACG055 year 2010) zero turn | |
Mustang RZT 50 (17AF2ACP308 year 2008), RZT-50 (17AF2ACP370 year 2009 and | |
2006) ride-on lawn mower models and MTD Z Series RZT 42 (17AE2ACG678 year 2010), | |
Yard-Man (13BT604G401 years 2003 to 2004), Yard-Man (13BT604G452 years 2003 and | |
2008), Yard-Man (13AX694G401 years 1997 to 1998), Yard-Man (13BT514N671 year 2003), | |
2008), Yard-Man (13AX604G671 years 2001 and 2005), Yard-Man (13AX615G055 year | |
Yard-Man (13AV604G371 years 2008 to 2009), Yard-Man (13AV604G671 years 2006 to | |
(13AU604G671 years 1999 to 2001 and 2004), Yard-Man (13AU614H755 year 2005), | |
(13AS694G671 year 1999), Yard-Man (13AT604G671 years 2000 and 2004), Yard-Man | |
Yard-Man (13AP605H755 year 2006), Yard-Man (13AR604H671 year 2005), Yard-Man | |
(13AP604G671 years 2006 to 2008), Yard-Man (13AP604H671 years 2007 to 2008), | |
(13AM694F671 years 1998 to 1999), Yard-Man (13AO771H055 year 2009), Yard-Man | |
years 2002 and 2004), Yard-Man (13AM693F671 years 2000 to 2001), Yard-Man | |
(13AD624G643 year 2002), Yard-Man (13AK694G671 year 1998), Yard-Man (13AM604F671 | |
(13AP90YP371 years 2009 to 2011), Yard-Man (13A-334-671 years 2004), Yard-Man | |
years 2009 to 2010 and 13AP90YS371 years 2010 to 2011), Yard-Man YM2350 | |
2009 to 2010 and 13AV90YS371 years 2010 to 2011), Yard-Man YM2042 (13AP90YG371 | |
Yard-Man Revolution (13AD624G643 year 2001), Yard-Man YM1642 (13AV90YG371 years | |
420/38 (13A2762F329 years 2014, 2016), Yard-Man HE5175 (13BD514E671 year 2003), | |
2009), Yard Machines YM 13.5/38 (13A1762F329 years 2014 to 2015), Yard Machines YM | |
Machines 638 RL (13AC762F308 year 2010), Yard Machines 742RL (13AN772G329 year | |
Machines Black Beauty (13AP608G129 year 2002 and 13AK608G129 year 2009), Yard | |
Yard Machines Black (13AN682G731 year 2005 and 13AO771G670 year 2006), Yard | |
(13B1662F670 years 2003 to 2004), Yard Machines (13BM688F670 years 2003 to 2004), | |
year 2011), Yard Machines (13AQ688G670 years 2003 to 2004), Yard Machines | |
1998), Yard Machines (13AS678G670 years 1999 and 2001), Yard Machines (13AT77KS329 | |
year 2009), Yard Machines (13AN795G370 year 2008), Yard Machines (13AS675G670 year | |
2010 to 2011), Yard Machines (13AN771F670 year 2007), Yard Machines (13AN772G329 | |
Yard Machines (13AN772G370 years 2008 to 2009), Yard Machines (13AN772S329 years | |
Machines (13AM771F670 years 2005, 2008), Yard Machines (13AM772S329 year 2013), | |
Machines (13AM675F670 year 1998), Yard Machines (13AM678F670 year 1999), Yard | |
(13AL450C670 years1997 to 1998), Yard Machines (13AM475F670 year 1998), Yard | |
year 1997 to 1998), Yard Machines (13AH660F670 years 200 to 2002), Yard Machines | |
2003), Yard Machines (13AH450F670 year 1997 to 1998), Yard Machines (13AH451F670 | |
2008), Yard Machines (13AD791G670 year 2005), Yard Machines (13AF698G602 year | |
year 2002), Yard Machines (13AN690G352 year 2003), Yard Machines (13AN772G029 year | |
2007 to 2008), Yard Machines (13AI678G670 year 2002), Yard Machines (13AM678F670 | |
Yard Machines (13AC762F370 years 2008 to 2009), Yard Machines (13AC762F670 years | |
Machines (13AA660F670 year 2002), Yard Machines (13AC762F329 years 2009 and 2011), | |
(13A2761F360 year 2014), Yard Machines (13A7771G670 years 2005 to 2006), Yard | |
(13A-344-200 year 2004), Yard Machines (13A3662F670 year 2002), Yard Machines | |
and 2008), Yard Machines (13A1762F670 years 2005 to 2006), Yard Machines | |
2009), Yard Machines (13A1762F329 year 2013), Yard Machines (13A1762F370 years 2006 | |
MTD Yardbug (13A-344-700 year 2004), MTD Yard Machines (13A1762F029 years 2008 to | |
2011), MTD Brute (13AL605H057 year 2009), MTD Ranch King (13AO619G206 year 1997), | |
MTD (13BA508E670 year 2005), MTD (13A0619G206 year 1997), MTD (13WC762F065 year | |
(13AA478A670 year 2000), MTD 13AP478A670 year 2000), MTD (13AP518N678 year 2005), | |
to 2013, 13A2765F308 years 2012 to 2016 and 13B2765F306 years 2014 to 2016), MTD | |
years 2013 to 2014), 420/38 [42038](13A2761F306 year 2011, 13A2765F306 years 2012 | |
13AT785T306 years 2012 to 2013), 420/30 (13A226JD308 year 2012 and 13B226JD308 | |
year 2013), 22/46 (13AT775T305 year 2015, 13AT77KT308 years 2014 to 2016 and | |
2011 to 2012, 13AT77KT308 year 2015 and 13AT78KT306 year 2011), 22/42 (13AP91KS308 | |
2009), 20/46 [2046](13AP785T306 year 2014, 13AT77KT306 year 2011, 13AT77KT308 years | |
2016), 2042 (13AT775G308 year 2009, 13AN775G308 year 2009 and 13AT77KG308 year | |
13AT785S306 years 2014 to 2016, 13BPA1KS308 year 2015 and 13BT77KS308 years 2014 to | |
2012), 20/42 (13AT775S308 year 2013, 13AT77KS308 year 2013, 13APA1KS308 year 2015, | |
2009, 13AN775S306 year 2011 and 13AN775S308 year 2011), 18/42 (13AT91KS306 year | |
175/42 (13AN775S306 year 2012), 17542 (13AN772G306 year 2009, 13AN772G308 year | |
17/42 (13AV765S306 years 2014 to 2015), 17.5/42 (13AN775S308 year 2012 to 2016), | |
2013), 14538 (13AM762F306 year 2011), 15.5/42 (13AM775S308 years 2013 to 2016), | |
13AC762F308 years 2009 and 2011), 14.5/38 [145/38] (13AM765F306 years 2012 to | |
Fits: | MTD 13.5/38 (13A1765F308 years 2014 to 2016), 13538 (13AC762F306 year 2009 and |
Fits: | McCulloch ZM4619 (966564101 year 2010) zero turn radius (ZTR) ride-on models. |
(17AI2ACP395 year 2010) zero turn radius (ZTR) ride-on models. | |
years 2015 to 2018), MF60-27LZ (53AI2PTD395 year 2012 to 2016), RZT 50 [RZT-50] | |
(17AI2ACP395 year 2011 to 2012, 17AICACP395 years 2013 to 2014 and 17ARCACQ395 | |
ride-on lawn mower models and MF42-20ZT (17ARCACS395 year 2017), MF50-22ZT | |
MF50-25SD (14AQ94CP395 year 2011), MF54-25SD (14AQ94CK395 years 2012 to 2013) | |
13AP93GS395 year 2014, 13APA1ZS395 year 2016 and 13BP91CS395 years 2012 to 2013), | |
(13AE11CG695 year 2007, 13AP91CS395 years 2010 to 2012, 13AP93CS395 year 2014, | |
and 13HP91GN395 year 2015), MF41-24RD (13CI51CN695 year 2010), MF42-20SD | |
2015), MF38-15SD (13AV91CF395 years 2010 to 2011), MF41-22RD (13CF51CN695 year 2011 | |
Fits: | Massey Ferguson MF36-15RD (13CV51CE695 year 2010), MF36-16ARD (13HD90GE395 year |
radius (ZTR) ride-on models. | |
[DZT-2354] (17AF2ACK396 year 2012 and 17AK2ACK396 years 2010 to 2011) zero turn | |
lawn mower models and DZT1742 [DZT-1742] (17AE2ACS396 year 2012), DZT2354 | |
DLT2042 (13AP90KS396 year 2012), DLT2350 (13AR92KP396 years 2010 to 2011) ride-on | |
DLT1942 (13AO90KG396 years 2009 to 2010 and 13AJ90KS396 years 2010- to 2011), | |
Fits: | Kioti Daedong DLT1538 (13AM76KF396 years 2009, 2011 and 13AV76KF396 year 2012), |
(967328202-00 year 2015) zero turn radius (ZTR) ride-on models. | |
2015), Z54R (967328001-00 year 2015), Z61XF (967328201-00 year 2014), Z61XFR | |
(967327901-00 year 2015), Z52XF (967328101-00 year 2014), Z52XFR (967328102-00 year | |
Fits: | Jonsered Z42F (967327701-00 year 2015), Z46R (967327801-00 year 2015), Z48F |
Z925A (year 2011), ZTRAK Z930A (year 2011) zero turn radius (ZTR) ride-on models. | |
2013, 2015), EZtrak Z465 (years 2009, 2013, 2015), ZTRAK Z920A (year 2011), ZTRAK | |
2015), EZtrak Z245, EZtrak Z425 (years 2009, 2013, 2015), EZtrak Z445 (years 2009, | |
mower models and EZtrak Z225 (years 2009, 2011 to 2012), EZtrak Z235 (years 2013 to | |
D140 (years 2012, 2014 to 2015), L100 Series L100 (years 2006 to 2007) ride-on lawn | |
2014 to 2015), D110 (years 2012, 2014), D120 (year 2012), D130 Years 2012, 2014), | |
Fits: | John Deere 100 Series 115, D100 Series D100 (years 2011 to 2012), D105 (years 2012, |
2015) zero turn radius (ZTR) ride-on models. | |
602801-01 year 2015), Z246i (967323904-00 year 2015), Z248F (967 336702-01 year | |
RZ4219 (966582201 years 2011 to 2012), RZ5424T (967003701 year 2013), Z242F (967 | |
Fits: | Husqvarna EZ24T (966659601 years 2011 to 2012), RZ3019 (966659601 year 2010), |
CARB (915198), ZT XL 54 (915164 and 915188) zero turn radius (ZTR) ride-on models. | |
42 (915172), ZT XL 42 (915160 and 915184), ZT XL 48 (915162 and 915186), ZT XL 48 | |
915180), ZT HD 44 (991090 and 991107), ZT HD 48 (991082), ZT HD 52 (991083), ZT X | |
(992239), ZT 34 (915146 and 915190), ZT 42 (915148 and 915178), ZT 50 (915150 and | |
(992203 and 992254), Pro-Turn 452 (992230), Pro-Turn 460 (992235), Pro-Turn 472 | |
(991077), Pro-Turn 160 (991078), Pro-Turn 252 (992200 and 992253), Pro-Turn 260 | |
52 (991201), Pro-Turn 60 (991202), Pro-Turn 148 (991076 and 991079), Pro-Turn 152 | |
Pro-Master 260H (992217), Pro-Stance 36FL (994119), Pro-Turn 48 (991200), Pro-Turn | |
Fits: | Gravely Compact-Pro 34 (991088), Compact-Pro 44 (991089), Pro-Master 252M (992212), |
2015) zero turn radius (ZTR) ride-on models. | |
[SX-54] (17ASDGJC330 years 2018 to 2019), Z-Force SZ Series SZ-54 (17ASDGHC330 year | |
2018 to 2019), Z-Force SX54 [SX-54] (17ASDGJC330 year 2017), Z-Force SX54 KH FAB | |
[SX-48] (17ASDGJB330 year 2018), Z-Force SX48 KH FAB [SX-48] (17ASDGJB330 years | |
Series LZ54 (17ASDAGC330 year 2014), Z-Force Pro 48-KH (53BH3AGN330), Z-Force SX48 | |
2017), Z-Force LX48 KH FAB [LX 48] (17ASDAUB330 years 2018 to 2019), Z-Force LZ | |
Z-Force 54 (17AF3AGX330 years 2012 to 2013), Z-Force LX 48 [LX48] (17ASDAUB330 year | |
2012 to 2016), Z-Force 44 (53AA5B6L710 year 2005), Z-Force 50 (17AH3AGP630), | |
year 2012, 53BH2PTD330 years 2014 to 2016), Tank SZ Series SZ-60 (53AI2PUD330 years | |
972-S [972S] (53AIHMUY330 years 2018 to 2019), Tank LZ Series LZ-60 (53AH2PTD330 | |
S Series KW 760-S [760S] (53AIHKUV330 years 2018 to 2019), Pro Z 900 S Series KW | |
years 2018 to 2019), Pro Z 700 L Series KW 760L (53AIHKTV330 year 2017), Pro Z 700 | |
(53AIHJUN330 year 2017), Pro Z 500 S Series Pro Z 500 KW 554-S [554S] (53AIHJUN330 | |
years 2018 to 2019), Pro Z 100 100 54 [Z154L] (53AWEHRA330 year 2017), Pro Z 500 | |
154L [EFI 154-L] (53AWEHRA330 years 2018 to 2019), Pro Z 100 EFI 154-S (53AWEFJA330 | |
100 KH 154S (53AWEFJA330 year 2017), Pro Z 100 (53AWEHRA330 year 2017), Pro Z 100 | |
(53AWEFJF330 years 2018 to 2019), Pro Z 100 100 54 [EFI 154-S] (53AWEFJA330), Pro Z | |
2016), Pro Z 100 KH 148S (53AWEFJF330 year 2017), Pro Z 100 148S EFI [EFI 148-S] | |
(17ARCBDQ330 year 2018), Pro Z 100 Series 100 48 [EFI 148-S] (53AWEFJF330 year | |
2019), RZT S 50 [RZT-S50] (17ARCBDQ330 year 2017), RZT S 50 KH [RZT-S50 KH] | |
and 17BRCBDN330 years 2017), RZT S 46 KH [RZT-S46 KH] (17BRCBDN330 years 2018 to | |
2012, 17AFCBDT330 year 2013, 17ARCBDN330 year 2016, 17ARCBDT330 years 2014 to 2017 | |
[RZT-S42 KH] (17BRCBDS330 years 2018 to 2019), RZT S 46 [RZT-S46] (17AF2BDT330 year | |
RZT S Series RZT S 42 [RZT-S42] (17ARCBDS330 years 2015 to 2016), RZT S 42 KH | |
(17AFCACP330 year 2014, 17ARCACP330 year 2014 and 17ARCACQ330 years 2015 to 2016), | |
RZT L 42 [RZT-L42] (17ARCACS330 years 2014 to 2019), RZT L 50 [RZT-L50] | |
[RZT-50] (17AF2ACP330 year 2011 to 2012 and 17AFCACP330 year 2013), RZT L Series | |
17BA5A4G630 year 2005, 17BA5A4G710 year 2006 and 17AE2ACG330 year 2010), RZT 50 | |
2004), RZT 42 [RZT-42] (17AF2ACS330 year 2011 to 2012, 17AFCACS330 year 2013, | |
13B7A4CA330 year 2017) ride-on lawn mower models and RZT 17 (17AA5A4G710 year | |
XT2 Enduro Series LX54 KH FAB [XT2-LX54 KH FAB] (13A7A4CA330 years 2018 to 2019 and | |
years 2015 to 2016), XT2 Enduro Series LX54 FAB (13A7A4CA330 years 2015 to 2016), | |
Enduro Series LX50 [XT2-LX50 KW] (13AIA1CQ330 years 2015 to 2018 and 13AQA1CQ330 | |
Enduro Series LX46 KH FAB [XT2-LX46 KH FAB] (13BPA4CN330 years 2018 to 2019), XT2 | |
years 2015 to 2016, 13BPA4CN330 year 2017 and 13WQA4CN010 years 2016 to 2017), XT2 | |
13AZA4CS330 years 2017 to 2019), XT2 Enduro Series LX46 FAB [XT2-LX46] (13APA4CN330 | |
years 2015 to 2016, 13APA1CS330 year 2015, 13BPA1CS330 years 2015 to 2017 and | |
2017 to 2018), XT2 Enduro Series LX42 [XT2-LX42 and XT2-LX42 EFI] (13AGA1CS330 | |
[XT1-LT46 KH] (13APA1CT010 years 2016 to 2018), LX42 [XT1-LX42] (13CPA1CS330 years | |
2010 to 2012), XT1 Enduro Series LT42 [XT1-LT42 KH] (13AOA1CS010 year 2018), LT46 | |
17RF9BKH756 year 2009 and 17AE9BKH010 years 2008 onwards), i1050 (17AF9BKP330 years | |
(13AQ92AK330 year 2009), i1000 Series i1046 (17AF9BKH710 year 2007 and before, | |
2008 onwards, 13AK11CK710 year 2005 and 13AK11CK630 year 2006), SLTX1054 | |
LTX1050KW (13AI93AP330 year 2014), SLT1554 (13AK11BK010 2007 and before and year | |
(13AP91AP330 years 2011 to 2013, 13AQ93AP330 year 2014 and 13BQ93AP330 year 2014), | |
2012 and 13BP91AS330 year 2013), LTX1042KW (13AG93AS330 year 2014), LTX1050 | |
13AP93AS330 year 2014, 13AX91AG330 year 2009 to 2010, 13AX91AS330 years 2010 to | |
13AP11CH710 years 2007 and before), LTX1042 (13AP91AS330 years 2012 to 2013, | |
2008), LT1046 (13AP11CH010 years 2008 onwards, 13AP11CH630 years 2005 to 2006 and | |
13AX11CG710), LT1022 (13AB11CH710 year 2004), LT1042 (13AX11CG630 years 2005 to | |
14BZ94AK330 year 2014), LT1018 (13AB11CG710, 13AL11CG710 year 2004 and | |
GT1554 (14AQ94AK330 year 2011), GTX1054 (14AZ94AK330 years 2012 to 2013 and | |
2003), CC 1018 RD (13AE51C603 year 2007), CC 1020 RD (13AE51CN603 year 2007), | |
(13A-221F100 year 2003), 1527 (13A-241G100 year 2003), 1529 (13A-261H100 year | |
1000 Series 1515 (13A-201F630 year 2002), 1517 (13A-231G630 year 2002), 1525 | |
131-272-100 year 1991), 1730 (132-273-100 year 1992 and 133-273-100 year 1993), | |
1990 to 1991), 1330 (133-233F100 year 1993), 1720 (130-272-100 year 1990 and | |
Fits: | Cub Cadet MiniRider Plus (13B226JD330 years 2014 to 2015), 1320 (130-232-100 years |
42 (915163), Zoom XL 48 (915165) zero turn radius (ZTR) ride-on models. | |
(991085), Max Zoom 52 (991086), Max Zoom 60 (991087), Zoom 1334 (915131), Zoom XL | |
Fits: | Ariens IKON-X 42 (915175 year 2015), IKON-X 52 (915177 year 2015), Max Zoom 48 |
Cold Cranking Amps: | 320 CCA |
Weight: | 6.6 kg |
Battery Type: | BCI Group Size = U1, 12 Volt PROKUT Maintenance Free Battery, Weight 6.6 kg, Offset lug terminals. BCI group size is based on physical size and terminal placement. It is not a measurement of battery capacity. |
Width: (inches) | 5 1/8" |
Width: (mm) | 130 mm |
Length: (in): | 7.76" |
Length: (mm): | 197 mm |
Height: (mm) | 170 mm (overall height), 159 mm (from bottom of battery to centre of the terminal holes), |
Height: (inches) | 6.69" (overall height), 6.26" (from bottom of battery to centre of the terminal holes), |
OEM's range between 195CCA and 250CCA). | |
90005794, 90154, 905794, 91414, 92691MA, 92739, 96042, MU21065, MU92739 (These | |
21075, 2938, 302257, 306694, 35857, 47853, 52936, 56032, 56277, 57486, 582884, | |
Victa 021075, 021075MA, 02175SE, 021075SEMA, 091414, 092739, 092739MA, 21065, | |
235CCA, 230 CCA to 300 CCA). | |
GW-9092, GW-9092099, GW-9092B, GW-9487B, (These OEM numbers range from 155 CCA, | |
725-1737, 925-1707C, 925-1707D, 925-3061A, GW-1751497, GW-7830902, GW-7251737, | |
725-1737A, 725-1738, 725-1738A, 725-1750, 725-1750A, 725-1751, 725-2057, 725-3061A, | |
725-1706B, 725-1707, 725-1707A, 725-1707B, 725-1707C, 725-1707D, 725-1737, | |
725-1704A, 725-1705, 725-1705A, 725-1705C, 725-1705E, 725-1706, 725-1706A, | |
Troy Bilt 00012032, 01006556, 116724, 138735, 1708284, 1751497, 1830902, 725-1704, | |
range from 155CCA to 300CCA). | |
PP000156, T58054000, T58054003 (Note The batteries with these OEM part numbers | |
93-4134, 94-1865, 94-6665, 94-6666, 99-7421 (300CCA, Wet), AU8EP01106, E603479, | |
239-13, 239-14, 27-0440, 28-1400, 44-2590, 44-2600, 49-2050, 51-2820, 56-7700, | |
63-3800, 76-1430, 76-1660, 80-2600, 82-4640, 92-1677, 92-1678, 92-7095, 92-7096, | |
Dry), 105-1692 (195CCA, Dry), 106-8162, 106-8736, 120-1542, 125-2299, 1-603479, | |
8-9490, 104-1755 (155CCA, Dry), 104-2491, 104-2493, 104-3152, 104-8162 (300 CCA, | |
Toro 3653, 20225, 100503, 104962, 105842, 109557, 112816, 115877, 225421, 251090, | |
235CCA, 230 CCA to 300 CCA). | |
GW-9092, GW-9092099, GW-9092B, GW-9487B, (These OEM numbers range from 155 CCA, | |
725-1737, 925-1707C, 925-1707D, 925-3061A, GW-1751497, GW-7830902, GW-7251737, | |
725-1737A, 725-1738, 725-1738A, 725-1750, 725-1750A, 725-1751, 725-2057, 725-3061A, | |
725-1706B, 725-1707, 725-1707A, 725-1707B, 725-1707C, 725-1707D, 725-1737, | |
725-1704A, 725-1705, 725-1705A, 725-1705C, 725-1705E, 725-1706, 725-1706A, | |
Rover 00012032, 01006556, 116724, 138735, 1708284, 1751497, 1830902, 725-1704, | |
OEM's range between 195CCA and 250CCA). | |
90005794, 90154, 905794, 91414, 92691MA, 92739, 96042, MU21065, MU92739 (These | |
21075, 2938, 302257, 306694, 35857, 47853, 52936, 56032, 56277, 57486, 582884, | |
235CCA, 230 CCA to 300 CCA). | |
Murray 021075, 021075MA, 02175SE, 021075SEMA, 091414, 092739, 092739MA, 21065, | |
GW-9092, GW-9092099, GW-9092B, GW-9487B, (These OEM numbers range from 155 CCA, | |
725-1737, 925-1707C, 925-1707D, 925-3061A, GW-1751497, GW-7830902, GW-7251737, | |
725-1737A, 725-1738, 725-1738A, 725-1750, 725-1750A, 725-1751, 725-2057, 725-3061A, | |
725-1706B, 725-1707, 725-1707A, 725-1707B, 725-1707C, 725-1707D, 725-1737, | |
725-1704A, 725-1705, 725-1705A, 725-1705C, 725-1705E, 725-1706, 725-1706A, | |
MTD 00012032, 01006556, 116724, 138735, 1708284, 1751497, 1830902, 725-1704, | |
102436. | |
McCulloch 539 10 24-36, 579 41 16-01, 539 12 26-55, 539 10 24-63, 539102436, 539 | |
155 CCA, 235CCA, 230 CCA to 300 CCA). | |
GW-7251737, GW-9092, GW-9092099, GW-9092B, GW-9487B, (These OEM numbers range from | |
725-3061A, 725-1737, 925-1707C, 925-1707D, 925-3061A, GW-1751497, GW-7830902, | |
725-1737, 725-1737A, 725-1738, 725-1738A, 725-1750, 725-1750A, 725-1751, 725-2057, | |
725-1706A, 725-1706B, 725-1707, 725-1707A, 725-1707B, 725-1707C, 725-1707D, | |
725-1704, 725-1704A, 725-1705, 725-1705A, 725-1705C, 725-1705E, 725-1706, | |
Massey Ferguson 00012032, 01006556, 116724, 138735, 1708284, 1751497, 1830902, | |
725-3061A, 725-1737, 925-1707C, 925-1707D, 925-3061A, GW-1751497, GW-7830902, GW-7. | |
725-1737, 725-1737A, 725-1738, 725-1738A, 725-1750, 725-1750A, 725-1751, 725-2057, | |
725-1706A, 725-1706B, 725-1707, 725-1707A, 725-1707B, 725-1707C, 725-1707D, | |
725-1704, 725-1704A, 725-1705, 725-1705A, 725-1705C, 725-1705E, 725-1706, | |
102436. | |
Kioti Daedong 00012032, 01006556, 116724, 138735, 1708284, 1751497, 1830902, | |
Jonsered 539 10 24-36, 579 41 16-01, 539 12 26-55, 539 10 24-63, 539102436, 539 | |
102436. | |
John Deere TY23017 (165 CCA) , TY25878 (300 CCA) , TY25221 (342 CCA). | |
00191832 (270CCA), 01554800 (300 CCA). | |
Husqvarna 539 10 24-36, 579 41 16-01, 539 12 26-55, 539 10 24-63, 539102436, 539 | |
Gravely 04738800, 04382200, 04591900 (All can be replaced by 190CCA or larger), | |
235CCA, 230 CCA to 300 CCA). | |
GW-9092, GW-9092099, GW-9092B, GW-9487B, (These OEM numbers range from 155 CCA, | |
725-1737, 925-1707C, 925-1707D, 925-3061A, GW-1751497, GW-7830902, GW-7251737, | |
725-1737A, 725-1738, 725-1738A, 725-1750, 725-1750A, 725-1751, 725-2057, 725-3061A, | |
725-1706B, 725-1707, 725-1707A, 725-1707B, 725-1707C, 725-1707D, 725-1737, | |
725-1704A, 725-1705, 725-1705A, 725-1705C, 725-1705E, 725-1706, 725-1706A, | |
Cub Cadet 00012032, 01006556, 116724, 138735, 1708284, 1751497, 1830902, 725-1704, | |
190CCA or larger), 01554800 (330 CCA). | |
Replaces OEM: | Ariens 04738800, 04382200, 04591900 (All of these OEM numbers can be replaced by |
12 Month free replacement warranty (upon proof of purchase). | |
Offset lug terminals. | |
CCA Rating: High Cold Cranking Ampere performance (320 CCA). | |
terminals are facing you). | |
Individual Battery Specifications - | |
BCI Group Size: U1 (with the positive terminal on the left hand side when the | |
PROKUT batteries are individually boxed. | |
PROKUT batteries are lighter. | |
PROKUT batteries have the ability to deep cycle. | |
PROKUT batteries charge up to 5 times faster. | |
PROKUT batteries feature low self discharge. | |
life and dependability. | |
Special Active Material: Plates use special active materials to prolong battery | |
life. | |
Sealed Terminal Post: Prevents acid leakage, reduces corrosion; extends battery | |
Safety Valve: Relieves excess pressure. | |
Valve Regulated Design: Eliminates water loss. | |
Special Grid Design: Withstands severe vibration, assures maximum conductivity. | |
against leakage and corrosion. | |
High Impact Case and Cover: Assures reserve electrolyte capacity, also to protect | |
Maintenance free. | |
Cast on Strap: Plate groups are welded; to ensure the stability of products. | |
These batteries will not leak in transit if inverted. | |
AGM Technology: Absorbent glass matt separator - makes the battery spill proof. | |
Features: | All PROKUT batteries feature - |
used on outdoor power equipment than GEL batteries. | |
of high currents and have features that make them more suitable for the engines | |
between the plates by capillary action. AGM batteries feature short time delivery | |
Technology batteries the electrolyte is absorbed into a glass-fibre mat separator | |
that they can be stored for long periods of time without recharge. In AGM | |
available when required. A big benefit of valve regulated lead acid batteries is | |
reliable quality and have more cycle life, all insuring ultimate energy is | |
USA. These Maintenance free, non-spillable, high performance batteries feature | |
certified and CE authentification from the European Union and UL recognition in the | |
manufacturer's. Our manufacturer has a quality management system which is ISO9001 | |
worlds leading Valve Regulated Rechargeable Sealed lead acid (SLA) battery | |
free. PROKUT batteries are manufactured using the latest technology by one of the | |
zero turn radius (ZTR) ride-on lawn mowers and is fully sealed and maintenance | |
Editorial: | This PROKUT battery is specially designed to suit modern ride-on lawn mowers and |
Universal Multi-Fit 12 Volt Maintenance Free U1, 320 CCA Battery | |
Daedong, Massey Ferguson, McCulloch, MTD, Murray, Rover, Toro, Troy Bilt, PROKUT | |
Description: | Non-Genuine Ariens, Cub Cadet, Gravely, Husqvarna, John Deere, Jonsered, Kioti |
to 2010 ), XL 440H (71429 year 2005, 71286 years 2006 to 2007 and 71253 years 2008 | |
to 2010), XLS 380 (71254 years 2001 to 2013), XLS 420T (71255 years 2011 to 2013), | |
12-38XL (71180 year 1992), 170-DH (74570 year 2004), 190-DH (74590 year 2004) | |
ride-on lawn mower models and Grandstand Mower (74534TE year 2010, 74536TE year | |
2010), TimeCutter Z 14-38Z (74301 years 2003 to 2004 and 74402 years 2003 to 2004), | |
TimeCutter Z 16-42Z (74403 year 2003 to 2004), TimeCutter ZX 17-44ZX (74401 year | |
2005), TimeCutter 18-44Z (74351 year 2004), TimeCutter 18-44ZX (74602 year 2004), | |
TimeCutter ZX 19-52ZX (74802 year 2004), TimeCutter MX 3450 (74750 years 2015 to | |
2016), TimeCutter MX 4200 (74766 years 2017 to 2018), TimeCutter MX 4250 (74760 | |
years 2015 to 2017, TimeCutter MX 5000 (74775 years 2016 to 2017), TimeCutter MX | |
5050 (74770 years 2015 to 2016 and 74771 years 2016 to 2017), TimeCutter SS 3200 | |
(74621 year 2014), TimeCutter SS 3225 (74710 years 2015 to 2019), TimeCutter SS | |
4200 (74622 year 2011, 74623 year 2012 and 74720 years 2015 to 2017), TimeCutter SS | |
4216 (74616 year 2014), TimeCutter SS 4250 (74723 years 2015 to 2016), TimeCutter | |
SS 5000 (74637 year 2014 and 74731 years 2015 to 2016), TimeCutter SW 4200 (74784 | |
years 2015 to 2016), TimeCutter SWX 5050 (74797 years 2015 to 2017), TimeCutter | |
Z380 (74301 year 2005, 74402 years 2005 to 2006 and 74419 year 2007), TimeCutter | |
Z420 (74403 years 2005 to 2006 and 74420 year 2007), TimeCutter Z4200 (74360 years | |
2007 to 2008 and 74380 years 2007 to 2010), TimeCutter Z4202 (74381 years 2008 to | |
2010), TimeCutter Z480 (74352 year 2005 and 74353 year 2006), TimeCutter Z5000 | |
(74391 years 2007 to 2009), TimeCutter Z5020 (74399 years 2007 to 2009), TimeCutter | |
ZS 3200 (74385 years 2011 to 2013), TimeCutter ZS 3200S (74388 year 2013), | |
TimeCutter ZS 4200 (74386 years 2011 to 2014), TimeCutter ZS 4200S (74389 years | |
2012 to 2014), TimeCutter ZS 4200TF (74390 years 2012 to 2014), TimeCutter ZS 5000 | |
(74387 years 2011 to 2014), TimeCutter ZS 5000TF years 2013 to 2014), TimeCutter | |
ZX440 (74406 years 2005 to 2008), TimeCutter ZX525 (74407 year 2005 and 74806 years | |
2005 to 2007), TimeCutter HD Series MR5400 [HD MR 5400] (75212 years 2017 to 2019), | |
TimeCutter HD Series ZX4800 [HD ZX 4800] (75201 years 2017 to 2019), TITAN MX 4880 | |
(74871 year 2013), TITAN MX 5400 (74892 years 2015 to 2016), TITAN MX 5480 (74872 | |
year 2013), TITAN MX 6080 (74873 years 2012 to 2013), TITAN Z4800 (74812 year 2007 | |
and 74813 years 2008 to 2009), TITAN Z5200 (74814 year 2007 and 74815 years 2008 to | |
2009), TITAN ZX 4800 (74912 year 2010 and 74861 years 2015 to 2016), TITAN ZX 4820 | |
(74920 years 2011 to 2013), TITAN ZX 5400 (74914 years 2009 to 2010), TITAN ZX 5420 | |
(74924 years 2011 to 2013), TITAN ZX 6020 (74843 years 2011 to 2013), TITAN ZX 6050 | |
(74824 years 2009 to 2010), Z Master Commercial 2000 Series (74141 years 2015 to | |
2016 and 74143 years 2014 to 2016), Z Master Commercial 3000 Series (74950 years | |
2015 to 2018, 74952 years 2011 to 2019, 74953 year 2013, 74954 year 2013, 74955 | |
years 2015 to 2016, 74958 years 2014 to 2016, 74990 year 2015, 74996 year 2016 and | |
75936 years 2017 to 2018), Z Master G3 (74901 year 2010, 74901CP year 2011, 74903 | |
year 2010, 74923 year 2010, 74903CP year 2011, 74915 year 2010, 74915CP year 2011 | |
and 74941CP years 2009 to 2011), 74943CP years 2009 to 2011, 74945CP years 2009 to | |
2011, 74952 year 2011 and 74915 year 2012), Z Master Professional 5000 Series | |
(74901 year 2012, 74903 year 2012, 74904 years 2015 to 2016, 74906 year 2014 to | |
2016, 74930 years 2015 to 2016, 74942 years 2014 to 2016, 74943 years 2016 to 2018, | |
74944 years 2014 to 2016, 74945 years 2017 to 2018 and 74991 year 2016), Z Master | |
Professional 6000 Series (74922 year 2013, 74923 years 2012 to 2017, 74925 year | |
2013, 74926 year 2013, 74928 year 2013, 74960 years 2015 to 2018, 74941CP year | |
2012, 74943CP year 2012, 74945CP year 2012, 74946 year 2016, 75967 year 2017 to | |
2018 and 75968 year 2017 to 2018), Z Master Z300 (74408 years 2008 to 2009 and | |
74408CP year 2009), Z Master Z334 (74408CP years 2007 to 2008), Z Master Z340 | |
(74409 year 2008 and 74409CP years 2007 to 2009), Z Master Z450 (74416 year 2008 | |
and 74417 year 2008), Z Master Z453 (74416CP years 2007 to 2008, 74417 years 2005 | |
to 2007 and 74417CP years 2007 to 2008), Z Master Z500 (74237CP years 2007 to 2008 | |
and 74238CP year 2008), Z Master Z550 (74272CP year 2008 and 74273CP year 2008), Z | |
Master Z560 (74261 year 2006, 74262 year 2006 and 74262CP year 2008), Z Master Z560 | |
(74263 year 2007 and 74263CP year 2008), Z Master Z557 (74246 year 2005 and 74247 | |
year 2005), Z Master Z587L (74251 years 2004 to 2006 and 74252 years 2004 to 2006), | |
Z Master Z588E (74255 years 2004 to 2005 and 74256 year 2006) zero turn radius | |
(ZTR) ride-on models. | |
Fits: | Troy Bilt 20/42 (13APA1KS309 year 2015) ride-on lawn mower models and Colt 42 |
(17ARCACS309 year 2015) zero turn radius (ZTR) ride-on models. | |
Fits: | A universal multi-fit battery that fits a wide selection of ride-on lawn mower and |
zero turn radius ride-ons and other outdoor power equipment fitment applications. | |
Fits: | Victa VRO 4016HRX (Murray 40379x88), VRO40–12GXT (Murray 40503x88B), VRO 4215HXT |
(Murray 42595x88) and VRO 4216HX (Murray 42591x88, 42591x88A, 42591x88B) ride-on | |
lawn mower models. | |
Warranty: | 12 Month free replacement warranty (upon proof of purchase). |
Standard Pack Quantity: | 1 |
Please Note: | This battery replaces our battery part number BAT6215 (12N24-4) which we have |
discontinued. | |
Warning: | Lead-acid batteries generate explosive gases. Keep away from sparks, flames and lit |
cigarettes. When charging or using a battery in an enclosed space, provide | |
ventilation. This battery contains sulphuric acid. Avoid contact with eyes or | |
clothing. In the event of an accident flush with water and call a physician | |
immediately. | |
Brand: | PROKUT |
Product Line: | Battery, 12 Volt battery, Maintenance Free Battery, Ride-On Lawn Mower Battery, |
What is an inverter generator?
An inverter generator is a type of generator that produces AC (alternating current) power by converting DC (direct current) power using advanced electronic circuitry. Inverter generators are designed to be more efficient and quieter than traditional generators, making them popular for camping, RVing, and other outdoor activities where noise and portability are important factors.
Unlike conventional generators, inverter generators are designed to produce clean and stable power that is suitable for sensitive electronics such as laptops, smartphones, and other electronic devices. They also have a smaller and more lightweight design compared to traditional generators, making them easier to transport and store.
What size generator do I need?
Inverter generators typically u se gasoline as fuel, but some models can also run on propane or natural gas. They come in a range of sizes and power outputs, from small portable models that produce a few hundred watts to larger models that can produce several thousand watts of power. The size of the generator you need depends on several factors such as the power requirements of the appliances and devices you want to run, the duration of use, and the type of generator you choose. Here are the steps to help you determine the appropriate size of generator for your needs:
- Determine the total wattage of the appliances and devices you plan to power simultaneously. You can find this information on the label or in the manual of each device.
- Add up the wattage of all the devices you want to run simultaneously. This gives you the total wattage required.
- Decide how long you need to run the generator. If you plan to use it for extended periods, you may need a larger generator to ensure that it can sustain the load.
- Consider the type of generator you want. Portable generators typically have lower wattage capacities than standby generators.
- Choose a generator with a wattage capacity that is equal to or greater than the total wattage required by your devices. It's better to choose a generator with a slightly higher capacity to ensure that it can handle any sudden surges in power demand.
In summary, to determine the appropriate size of generator you need, you need to calculate the total wattage of the devices you plan to run, consider the duration of use, and choose a generator with a wattage capacity that can handle the total load.